Laidback wedding at Camp Zeke in Pennsylvania

Jes and Adam had the most incredible wedding this past summer at camp Zeke located in northern Pennsylvania. I’ll just start off by saying that camp weddings are pretty much ALWAYS friggen’ spectacular -

Nature? Check.
Camp activities? Bonfires? Water sports? Cheeeeeeeck.
Weekend where you get to bring out your inner child at a camp - and as an adult?!! With booze available?! CHECK!

Being able to relax and unwind for an entire weekend in an outdoor setting peels back layers of that city hustle many of us know to be true and allows people to genuinely unwind and reconnect. It allows for more meaningful connection, heart to hearts and sharing deeper experiences together. I LOVE CAMP WEDDINGS, OK?!

Jes & Adam’s camp wedding was all of that and more. I have not laughed and cried so much at a wedding in my entire life. On the drive back home with my assistant Wade, both of us agreed that we didn’t have any surface level conversations. It was a weekend that brought together a community of people from all over the US and abroad, who all jumped at the chance to connect with one another with hearts wide open. It. was. EVERYTHING.

Thank you Jes & Adam for allowing me to be a part of your incredible wedding weekend. It was inspiring, heartfelt and one of my favourite weddings I’ve been a part of.